Strolby BROOKLYN, a new curated site that focuses on Brooklyn shops.

October 21, 2013

It may be hard to believe but there use to be a time (I know , I sound old) when I use to curse that there was not enough shopping in our neighborhood. Of course now our neighborhood has so much to offer I rarely go into the city on weekends to shop. What I missed most when I moved back West for a short time a few years back was the eclectic shops that were starting to trickle through the Williamsburg-Greenpoint area. Now there is Strolby, I did a quick shout out on Twitter last week but felt this new site warrants a post. Strolby is a currated site that showcases some of the best shops in Brooklyn. Oh my- how our little part of Brooklyn has change, now my friends and family who miss our little jewel of shops can visit Strolby.


Photo, Strolby (Bump Profile)

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